• भारत सरकार Government of India
  • शिक्षा मंत्रालय Ministry of Education
  • भारतीय प्रौद्योगिकी संस्थान खड़गपुर Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur
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  • National coordinator (NC) will select a coordinator for reviewing each theme, who will act as the chair of the “Thematic Review Committee” (TRC).
  • The chair of the TRC will select other members of the committee (at least 3 more members), in consultation with the NC.
  • The National Coordinator will assign all the projects submitted to a particular theme to the respective “Thematic Review Committee”.
  • The “Thematic Review Committee” will invite peers and assign the projects to them for review.
  • Based on the referee input there will be provision for submitting a revised version of the project.
  • The projects will be graded based on the referee input, and the decision of the “Thematic Review Committee” will be forwarded to the National Coordinator of SPARC.
  • The final approval of the projects will be given by SPARC Apex Committee.