• भारत सरकार Government of India
  • शिक्षा मंत्रालय Ministry of Education
  • भारतीय प्रौद्योगिकी संस्थान खड़गपुर Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur
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(992) | Self-healing and energy-efficient Internet of Energy (Submitted On 07-MAY-2024)
  • (PI) - Dr. Jahangir Hossain MACQUARIE UNIVERSITY
    From Date: 15-09-2019 | To Date : 14-10-2020
    No Of Participants: 0
    Contact Hrs : 0
    Total Contact Hrs : 0
    Visiting Institute
    Indian Institute of Technology Delhi
    Outcome of The Visit

    Prof. Jahangir Hussain, co-PI of the project visited IIT Delhi twice (15-09-2019-14-10-2019 (30)) and (01-12-2019 to 15-12-2019 (15 days)). During the visit there were research interactions with the faculty, and students of IIT Delhi.
    He delivered lectures on “The impact of Electric Vehicle on Electricity Demand and Distribution” and “Robust Control for the efficient and reliable operation of microgrids”.
    Prof. Jahangir also supported as organizing committee member and session chair in 20th international conference on Intelligent System Applications to Power System, ISAP 2019, 14-19th December 2019, which was organized by project Indian PI at IIT Delhi.

  • (PI) - Dr. Jahangir Hossain MACQUARIE UNIVERSITY
    From Date: 01-12-2019 | To Date : 15-09-2020
    No Of Participants: 0
    Contact Hrs : 0
    Total Contact Hrs : 0
    Visiting Institute
    Indian Institute of Technology Delhi
    Outcome of The Visit

    Prof. Jahangir Hussain, co-PI of the project visited IIT Delhi twice (15-09-2019-14-10-2019 (30)) and (01-12-2019 to 15-12-2019 (15 days)). During the visit there were research interactions with the faculty, and students of IIT Delhi.
    He delivered lectures on “The impact of Electric Vehicle on Electricity Demand and Distribution” and “Robust Control for the efficient and reliable operation of microgrids”.
    Prof. Jahangir also supported as organizing committee member and session chair in 20th international conference on Intelligent System Applications to Power System, ISAP 2019, 14-19th December 2019, which was organized by project Indian PI at IIT Delhi.

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  • Type : PAPER_CONF

    Output Feedback Adaptive Control for Inter-area Oscillation Damping Under Power System Uncertainties

    Author: i. A. Nayak, S. Mishra, J. Hossain and M. S. H. Nizami,

    Publication Year: 2020

    Volume: 0
    Pages: 0 - 0
    Publisher: IEEE