In order to improve the inter-university cooperation, initiate a Memorandum of Understanding between TPU, Russia and NIT, Trichy, India.
RO1--The research objective of UAV communication, capitalizes on the self-energy harvesting scheme in UAV instead of using conventional battery charged UAVs. The Weibull fading channel is studied methodically over source to relay and relay to user cooperative communication system for UAVs. Considering Decode and Forward (DF) transmission protocol, we derive close-form expressions for outage probability and average throughput for the system. Both the Half Duplex and Full Duplex models are swotted. Furthermore, the impact of selection diversity combining technique is analyzed at the destination for direct path and path via UAV as relay.
RO2--A performance metric that captures the freshness of the received information and is appropriate for applications requiring timely information to accomplish specific tasks (e.g., sensor networks, cyberphysical systems, etc), is called age of information (AoI). It is defined as the time elapsed since the generation of the freshest status update that has reached the destination. For time critical applications like intelligent transportation the AoI has to be minimized. In this work we derive the AoI for energy harvesting sensor that intends to transmit the information to a base station through an UAV that acts as a relay. We propose optimum energy harvesting time to minimize the age of information for such a system. RO3 -- Wireless Powered Communication Networks (WPCNs) is a promising networking framework that enables wireless devices to harvest RF signal from the ambient transmitters for active data transmission. However, in this design it may take a long time for a wireless transmitter to accumulate sufficient energy for active transmissions, and thus the system's output is significantly sub-optimal. To resolve this we integrate backscatter communication technology concept into WPCNs to further improve the system performance. The motivation is from the fact that the backscatter communications can transmit data by backscattering RF signals without requiring any external power source.
RO4-- To implement optimization techniques in terms of power allocation and harvesting coefficient to improve the performance of Simultaneous Wireless Information based Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access Systems.
RO5 --The deployment of underwater sensor networks (UWSNs), unmanned underwater vehicle (UUAVs) and remotely autonomous vehicles (ROVs). The work focuses on, establishment of cooperative communication setup for RF-VLC and FSO-VLC through decode and forward way by determining various channel conditions. The BER performance for proposed communication links will be verified for both underwater and FSO channels by considering large and small-scale factors for channel impairments.
RO6 -- A research interaction on the positioning of UAVs for throughput maximization and developing a UAV network to monitor the considered area over the ocean. The discussion have come up with the objective of finding the various constraints in UAV positioning and the application for which it can be used. This research will be continued further to develop energy harvesting techniques to improve the lifetime of considered UAV network.
Undergraduate, postgraduate students and Research scholars from ECE department NIT, Trichy.
1. Offered a motivational talk on the Improvement of Soft Skills and Capacity Building in High Education at PROBE, a Qualcomm sponsored event at Electronics & the Communications Engineering Department, NIT-T, India on 31.01.2020 at EEE Auditorium, NIT Trichy.
2. Offered a workshop on 5G EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES OF 5G WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS for a wider audience of attendees for 05 days. This event took place on 10-14, Feb 2020. The workshop covered a wide range of topics related to 5G wireless communications and it aimed at postgraduate students, early career researchers, faculty and industry partners.
3. An invited talk at the NIT, Karaikal on 26.02.2020 on "Advanced Green Communication Schemes of 5G" and "Art of International Paper Writing" mini workshop. This visit was followed by the discussion with electrical engineering department faculty (Dr Surender) members on the further collaboration with the TPU research team in the area of Advanced MIMO schemes for 5G.
4. An invited talk on âÂÂ5G Integration of Underwater Wireless Communicationsâ at the Thiyagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai on 28.02.2020
5. This visit has brought up different collaborations with research scholars of NIT, Trichy, which will lead to the fruitful outcome. In order to improve the research capacity building of NIT Trichy, the following project works initiated by faculty and doctoral students of NIT Trichy together with Russian team.
- Dr Rebekka/Mr M Deepan â Backscatter Communications integration of with RF energy harvesting for multi user scenario.
- Dr. E. S. Gopi â Resource optimization using machine learning for UAV based communication systems.
- M. Sasikanth/Dr Sri Ram Kumar- Cognitive Radio based simultaneous wireless information and power transfer.
- Dr Ashish Patil â Smart Ocean Applications of UAV Wireless Networks
6. The SPARC project work has been accelerated by one-to-one interaction with Indian & Russian Team and a couple of high quality journal papers have been submitted.
7. The rough outline for publishing a book in the area of the UAV is ready and the final book proposal will be submitted soon.
8. Host meetings with Dean International and Dean, Research to sign off an MoU between TPU and NIT Trichy. Both universities are in the process of proposing a program for faculty and student exchange.
9. In order to sustain the cooperation between both teams, a new grant proposal is being prepared to submit to Perez-Guerrero Trust Fund for South-South Cooperation (PGTF) and European Commission Erasmus+ scheme.
Postgraduate students and Research scholars from ECE department NIT, Trichy.
The participants were enlightened with thoughts in the following areas : 1 Introduction to cooperative wireless communication, 2 Cooperative performance bounds, 3 Introduction to regenerative relay system, 4 Introduction to transparent relay system, 5 Soft information relaying, 6 Soft Forwarding with network coding for cooperative relay system, 6 Soft network coded multilevel forwarding scheme, 7 Would soft information form part of 6G, 8 Cooperative performance bounds
UG, PG, Ph.D. Scholars and Faculty members of Electronics and Communication Engineering and allied disciplines of Institutes throughout India and Foreign Countries.
The course covered the following areas : 1 What is Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access (NOMA)?, 2 Compatibility in NOMA, 3 Integration of OFDM with NOMA: A Bridge, 4 NOMA Architecture Based on Distributed Space Time Block Coding, 5 Sustainability of NOMA, 6 Security in NOMA-assisted Networks, 7 NOMA aided Network Coding, 8 Artificial Intelligence (AI) Enabled NOMA, 9 Standardization of NOMA and Future Research Directions
UG, PG, Ph.D. Scholars and Faculty members of Electronics and Communication Engineering and allied disciplines of Institutes throughout India and Foreign Countries.
The lecture series covered the following areas : 1 - Fundamentals and evolution of satellite communications, as well as geo-location, positioning and image and video capture systems. 2 - GEO, MEO, LEO and HEO constellations. Physical analysis of these types of orbits. Systems currently in operation. 3 - Study of the propagation models used in SATCOM: direct, reflected, diffracted and dispersed radio. The multipath effect. Types of fading experienced in SATCOM. Rice model. SATCOM frequency bands. 4 - SATCOM link budget analysis and C/N calculation. Relationship with Eb/N0 calculation. Calculation of the probability of error for the various modulation schemes. Error Control Systems used in satellites. 5 - Application of MIMO, transmission techniques (ex: OFDM and DSSS) and high order modulations (ex: 64_QAM) to SATCOM. 6 - VSAT networks with on-board Routing and/or Switching. 7 - Creation of a transponder and ground station. The control station. Placing a satellite in orbit.
UG, PG, Ph.D. Scholars and Faculty members of Electronics and Communication Engineering and allied disciplines of Institutes throughout India and Foreign Countries.
Under Water Wireless Communication
The growth of telecommunication sector has improved the user experience in
terms of services and applications. With the upcoming 5GPPP, the mobile networks tend to exploit the high-frequency technology to support a large
number of devices at a higher rate without disruptions. With a large
number of devices operating at the same instance, it becomes difficult to
identify security threats and intruders that can intentionally hide in the
vast information floating across the network. Many KPI's needs to be
strengthened as more spectrum space is available in the 5G networks that
can sustain heavy bits without affecting the transmission range. To this
end, this workshop features a wide range of topics related to 5G wireless
communications. The workshop is aimed at postgraduate students, early
career researchers, faculty and industry partners.
1. Dr M Maheswari
K Ramakrishnan College of Engineering
2. Rishabavarthani P
PSG Institute Of Technology And Applied Research
3. Pouthra R
PSG Institute Of Technology And Applied Research
4. Keerthana B
PSG Institute Of Technology And Applied Research
5. Anithadevi V S
PSG Institute Of Technology And Applied Research
Ann Sebastian
College Of Engineering Trivandrum
Abhishek Kumar
NITK Surathkal
Gnanaselvam R
SRM Institute of Science and Technology
A Rajesh
Vellore Institute of Technology Vellore
Jayachithra N
SASTRA Deemed to be University
SASTRA Deemed to be University
Monisha S
SASTRA Deemed to be University
Vinitha Jayachandran
Ramesh Janarthanan
TOMSK Politechnic University, Russia
Yoga Sheeba R
Surya P
Veeralakshmi S
19. Sharmila K
A.Sharan Jasmine
Sammaiah Thurpati
NIT, Trichy
I. Parthipan
NIT, Trichy
Jeevanantham S
NIT, Trichy
Deepan. N
NIT, Trichy
Rayadurgam Mahammadrafi
NIT, Trichy
Mrs. Janani Natarajan
NIT, Trichy
N Praveena
NIT, Trichy
M Ananda Reddy
NIT, Trichy
Jeyakumar P
NIT, Trichy
Anandpushparaj J
NIT, Trichy
31. Balaji D
NIT, Trichy
09 M.Tech Communication Students from NIT, Trichy
Detailed talk about how to write and publish scientific articles in Journals and Conference
Internal Participants from NIT, Trichy
Volume: 0
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Publisher: IEEE
Ref Doi: 10.1109/TITS.2020.3018493.
Volume: 19
Pages: 5574 - 0
Publisher: MDPI
Volume: 0
Pages: 19 - 24
Venue: Negambo, Sri Lanka
Publisher: IEEE
Ref Doi: 10.1109/ICIAfS52090.2021.9606029
Volume: 0
Pages: 177 - 181
Venue: Chennai, India
Publisher: IEEE
Ref Doi: 10.1109/WiSPNET48689.2020.9198350
Volume: 168
Pages: 0 - 0
Publisher: ELSEVIER
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Volume: 0
Pages: 647 - 652
Venue: Toronto, ON, Canada
Publisher: IEEE
Ref Doi: 10.1109/INFOCOMWKSHPS50562.2020.9162935
Volume: 20
Pages: 6017 - 0
Publisher: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute
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Volume: 20
Pages: 6140 - 0
Publisher: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute
Ref Doi:
Volume: 20
Pages: 2300 - 0
Publisher: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute
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Volume: 0
Pages: 1 - 7
Venue: Waikoloa, HI, USA
Publisher: IEEE
Ref Doi: 10.1109/GLOBECOM38437.2019.9014305