Workshop Overview
ASM2019 is a first-of-its-kind event dedicated to advanced computational methods such as Density Functional Theory (DFT), Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulation techniques and their applications to solve various multiscale and multidisciplinary research problems. The aim of the event is to bring together researchers and scientists working in various computational methods to exchange ideas in state-of-the-art methods in electronic and atomic structure. With multiple parallel sessions having more than 30 invited talks, we hope to initiate discussions that can lead to new research concepts and identify new research directions. This five-day hands-on tutorial workshop cum symposium introduces the basic and current developments in DFT, MD and beyond methodologies for an intended audience of researchers entering the field, predominantly PhD. students and postdocs. Morning lectures on the hot topics will be given by experts in the field, complemented by afternoon hands-on sessions - to deepen selected topics.
March 6-10 2019, IIT Delhi, New Delhi, India
Jointly organized by Departments of Physics, Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering, Computer Services Centre, and the HPC Group
Jer - Lai Kuo, Academia Sinica, Taiwan (I1)
Chiranjib Majumder, BARC (I2)
Ashok Arya, BARC (I3)
Nishant Sinha, Boeing (I4)
Swapan K. Ghosh, DAE, Mumbai (I5)
Parbati Biswas, DU (I6)
Ayan Dutta, IACS (I7)
Indra Dasgupta, IACS (I8)
Biman Jana, IACS (I9)
U Deva Priyakumar, IIIT Hyderabad (I10)
Govardhan Reddy, IISc (I11)
Tanmoy Das, IISc (I12)
Nirmal Ganguly, IISER Bhopal (I13)
Mukul Kabir, IISER Pune (I15)
Arnab Mukherjee, IISER Pune (I16)
Arun Venkatnathan, IISER Pune (I17)
Raghunath O R amabhadran, IISER Tirupati (I18)
Gopal Dixit, IIT Bombay (I20)
Abhijit Chatterjee, IIT Bombay (I21)
Gopalan Rajar aman, IIT Bombay (I22)
Amrita Bhattacharya, IIT Bombay (I23)
Brajesh Mani, IIT Delhi (I24)
Gaurav Goel, IIT Delhi (I26)
Mithun Radhakrishna, IIT Gandhinagar (I27)
V. Kanchana, IIT Hyderabad (I28)
Biswarup Pathak, IIT Indore (I29)
Mainak Sadhukhan, IIT Kanpur (I30)
Vishal Agarwal, IIT Kanpur (I31)
Amalendu Chandra, IIT Kanpur (I32)
Nisanth N. Nair, IIT Kanpur (I33)
Pratim K Chattaraj, IIT Kharagpur (I34)
G. P. Das, IIT Kharagpur (I35)
Sanjoy Bandyopadhyay, IIT Kharagpur (I36)
Srabani Taraphder, IIT Kharagpur (I37)
Niloy Ganguly, IIT Kharagpur (I49)
Snehasis Daschakraborty, IIT Patna (I38)
Puneet Gupta, IIT Roorkee (I39)
C. N. R amachandran, IIT Roorkee (I40)
Satyavani Vemparala, IMSc (I41)
S. Balasubr amanian, JNCASR (I42)
Swapan Pati, JNCASR (I43)
Pradipta Bandopadhyay, JNU (I44)
Priya Mahadevan, SNBNCBS (I45)
Ranjit Biswas, SNBNCBS (I46)
T amisra Pal, Technische Universität Darmstadt (I47)
Jagannath Mondal, TIFR Hyderabad (I48)
and all students and faculty using HPC facility from departments of Departments of Physics, Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering, Computer Services Centre, and the HPC Group